International Model United Nations (IMUN) brings youth together from around the world to learn and share ideas from a diverse set of experiences and backgrounds where the Executive board, International Press and International Delegates consolidate to learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations
Our Mission
True to the spirit of the United Nations, IMUN strives to foster a constructive forum for open dialogue on complex global issues, including international peace and security and economic and social progress. IMUN stresses the in-depth examination and resolution of pressing issues by emphasizing the process over results. However, with great powers comes great responsibilities. There are limitations to negotiations especially when international diplomacies and great interests are involved. We hope through IMUN, students learn the importance of balancing national interests with the needs of the international community.
Our Methodology
At IMUN, delegates gain insight into the United Nations and the dynamics of international relations by assuming the roles of UN representatives and members of other international bodies and national cabinets.
International MUN is an exciting opportunity to debate issues that confront world leaders, to draft resolutions in response to the global issues and work with others who are equally motivated and passionate about the topics of debate. The longevity and dynamic that only a conference of our size can achieve, makes IMUN one of the preeminent simulation of UN in the world.
Develop deeper knowledge on current global issues and improve critical thinking.
Strengthen their diplomacy skills and develop ideas to solve current international problems.
Improve researching, public speaking, debating, and writing skills, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership abilities.
Differentiate between the parliament and the UN, while distinguishing power struggle from diplomacy.
Improve international exposure by gaining experiences from delegates across the world.
Dear readers,
I take immense pride in the fact that IMUN in the past years has successfully brought together youth from across borders and has created the realm for diplomatic discussions. The passionate youngsters that participate in the IMUN conferences have brought to the table a great socio, economic and political adroitness. The setting of IMUN gives opportunity to all it’s members and delegates to engage and learn something new every time.
The youth are the foundation for growth. Hence it becomes a requisite that the youth take a conspicuous part in the world issues. Hence. IMUN has vehemently been an advocate of how each and every voice matters. Staying true to the advocacy, we have youth engaging in diverse set of deliberations that acts as a pathway for their future diplomatic endeavours.
Each year we continue to extend our IMUN family, with new delegates joining in. The relationships and friendships formed at IMUN that crosses nationalities and borders is a souvenir of the memorable event. The treasure trove of stories and information shared are the memorabilia that everyone takes home.
I and the members of IMUN team express gratitude to all our delegates for being a part of IMUN and being an agent for change. Together lets continue being a part of this journey of the leaders in the making.